Law of Attraction in Hindi Book PDF

Law of Attraction in Hindi Book PDF

Esther and Jerry Hicks wrote the well-known self-help book “Law of Attraction,” which was released in 2006. The premise of the book is that there are a number of laws that control the universe, one of which is the Law of Attraction. The authors of this law claim that regardless of whether we focus on something positively or negatively, we attract it into our lives. Focusing on the good things in life will help us draw good things and good people into our lives. On the other side, if we place our attention on unfavourable emotions and thoughts, we will draw unfavourable circumstances and people into our lives.

The book offers useful methods for applying the Law of Attraction in daily life, such as affirmations, visualisations, and other manifestation strategies. The writers also cover how emotions play a part in the manifestation process and how to boost one’s vibration to draw in good things and people.

The book has drawn both favourable and unfavourable reviews from readers, some of whom found it beneficial in enhancing their lives while others criticised it for oversimplifying difficult ideas and encouraging excessive expectations. Nevertheless, “Law of Attraction” has grown to be a well-known and widely read self-help book that served as the basis for countless other works and courses.

The “Law of Attraction” by Esther and Jerry Hicks is a thorough manual on using the power of the cosmos to bring one’s desires into reality. The methods and resources offered in this book can assist you in achieving your objectives and leading a better, more meaningful life, whether you want to enhance your relationships, job, or financial condition.

Law of Attraction in Hindi Book PDF



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