Give and Take Book pdf

Give and Take

Adam Grant, a psychologist at the Wharton School and an authority on organisational behaviour, wrote the book “Give and Take.” After being released in 2013, it swiftly rose to popularity. In the book, Grant makes the case that the conventional view of success is predicated on the notion that in order to succeed, you must borrow as much as you can from others. He disputes this idea and makes the case that the most successful persons in life are those who give to and support others in achieving their goals.

Givers, Takers, and Matchers are the three main categories of humans, according to the author. People who are givers are always ready to lend a hand and offer support, no matter what they might get in return. Takers are those who solely care about getting what they can get without offering anything in return. People who only donate when they expect something in return are known as matchers.

Grant argues that while takers and matchers can be successful, givers are often the most successful in the long run. He provides evidence from various studies and real-life examples to support his argument. He also provides practical advice for how individuals can become more giving in their daily lives and in their careers.

A lot of people have praised “Give and Take” for its original and intriguing strategy for success. It serves as a fantastic reminder that success is not just about what you get, but also about what you offer to others, and is a must-read for anybody interested in both personal and professional development.

Give and Take Book pdf

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