Flip Flops in Digital Electronics PDF


Chapter 5 will cover “flip-flops”. A flip flop is a digital logic element used for storing binary date An element capable of storing data is often called a memory or latch. The two kinds of memory, encountered in digital electronics are static and dynamic memories. The flip-flop is the basic form of static memory and is also the building block for sequential logic circuits. A primary characteristic of sequential circuits is the ability to remember the state of inputs i.e. memory.

Flip-flops are formed from pairs of logic gates where the gate outputs are fed Into one of the inputs of the other gate in the pair. This results in a regenerative circuit having two stable output states (binary one and zero). Frequently additional gates are added for control of the circuit. While some flip-flops are operated asynchronously (without timing pulses) most are operated under clock control in a synchronous system.

Individual flip-flops can be combined to form memory registers, counters, and shift registers. A thorough understanding of the basic flip-flop is required for the study of these more complex circuits in later chapters.

For in-depth details you can download the book, Flip Flops in Digital Electronics PDF given below.

Flip Flops in Digital Electronics PDF



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